student sitting at a bench on campus using a laptop

Self-Guided Placement Tests

Are you ready for college-level Math and English?

365球赛平台 allows students to use self-guided placement to register for college-level Math and English. Accuplacer or other test scores will not be required to register.

Please review the information below that describes 365球赛平台’s college-level Math and English courses. Please contact 365球赛平台’s Advising Department at or 732 255 0300 with any questions.

English Guided Self-Placement

There are different paths for students to complete college-level English (ENGL 151) here at 365球赛平台. The following outlines different options and expectations, so click on the red button below to find which option is best for you.

Our Current English Course Options:

english 095
english 098 and 151
english 151

Guided Self Placement for Mathematics

For Students Who Do Not Plan To Take Pre-Calculus: (Humanities, Social Science, Nursing)

MATH 023, Algebra Basics, is designed for those students who do not have the necessary background in basic algebra or are in need of a thorough review of basic algebra. Topics include: apply the properties of real numbers, use the order of operations for real numbers, solve linear equations and inequalities, solve application problems involving linear equations, graph linear equations and inequalities with the slope.

This course cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.

MATH 151 (Survey of Math) is a great course for students in the humanities, such as English, History and Philosophy, as well as some Education majors.

This course is a study of some of the fundamental concepts in mathematics. Topics include sets, probability, logic systems of numeration, groups, and mathematical systems. Applications of these topics in various fields of study are included in the course.

MATH 156 (Statistics) is usually taken by students in the social sciences, such as Psychology and Sociology, and is the preferred math course for Pre-Nursing majors.  Many business majors also take statistics in addition to pre-calculus/calculus.

This course is oriented towards all fields which use statistical data in their applications. Topics include: summarizing data, probability, normal and binomial distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and correlation.

MATH 158 (Algebraic Modeling) can be taken by students who enjoy algebra but do not intend to pursue pre-calculus.

This course is designed for students in a variety of fields for which a conceptual understanding of college algebra topics is appropriate. Continuous and discrete functions will be studied from graphical, numerical, verbal, and algebraic perspectives with applications to diverse disciplines. Topics will include linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic absolute value, radical, and rational functions and their application. This course will NOT satisfy the prerequisite for Precalculus courses.

For Students Who Plan To Take Pre-Calculus

(STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, or Business)

MATH 166, Topics in Algebra, is intended for students pursuing the precalculus track who have demonstrated competency in high school algebra but need to strengthen their mastery of algebraic concepts for Precalculus.